Monday, June 6, 2011

Fragrance of First Rain

When Sun sent her daughter away saying I will keep you in the sky
Sans any obstruction for miles together, between you and my eye

If I keep you still I will then see only a part of your lovely face
Oblivious of the environmental damage on land water and space

Therefore you shall always be rotating and moving on feet
In an elliptical path enjoying day and night and seasons’ treat

In summer the glance of affection of Sun falls on Earth at angle right
And all living beings crying for relief from heat and days bright

Earth told the Sea you are cool and have heat capacity very high
Go and tell grandpa Sun to cut glare and save us from getting fry

Going of sea as a whole would get the aquatic life to dead
So he sent up a part of himself into the sky to plead over head

For days conditions on Earth did not change and went worse
People starting crying, animals dying and birds were in remorse

Earth sent an SMS to the water which had now ended up as a cloud
So near the Earth and drifting fast making lightening and noise loud

The cloud forwarded the SMS to his buddies asking to come one and all
Over the parched land and danced up and down in as many drops small

Separated from the clouds dark, the baby drops first cried hoarse
But later enjoyed the fall like a paratrooper under gravity force

And dancing with strong cool winds, drops came to kiss mother as in a race
“Yo contendiendo”said the Earth pleased at drops touching her face

Very happy Earth soon gave out a cosmic fragrance even in heat
That any scent, vanilla fragrance of flowers or nectars it would beat

That union of drops with Earth was like souls meeting God in joy
Many drops continued to fall with Earth also shedding tears of joy

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Horse or Donkey?

A donkey is the laziest of animals,
even adjective is made of its name
There is no incentive for it to walk fast
neither desire to make good a name

It is therefore good to carry the bag of clothes
or bricks on its simple back
Nothing accelerates it nor does it slow
either a pat or a kick on its back

The washerman uses it as a robot
to carry load from home the river bank .
And lest it goes astray on seeing grass,
ties its mouth to feed from home bank

If the washerman is happy
the donkey gets its home feed day in and day out
And the day boss is angry on his out,
put he is unceremoniously kicked out

In contrast a horse is an animal
of high IQ who helps the man to his best
He can walk, run and virtually fly
in a race to swell the jockey's chest

Caress him on face, fondle his mane
his back and you get a plane
To fly the messengers on rough terrain
and Kings on fields plain

There are enough stories of his obedience
and service to master
That it will beat any other animal
in service of man as the master

Therefore a horse is less of animal
and more of a friend of the man
If ever you kick him he will refuse
to move an inch like a statue of man

An upset and unwilling horse
is the most difficult pet for man to tame
Bucephalus could teach a lesson to
Alexander the Great of world fame

In a man on spiritual plane the
Brahma Vishnu and Mahesh reside
But as animal he is a cocktail of Man,
donkey and horse of pride

A man living alone troubled
by problems in his life may at best
Look a lazy donkey to be kicked
but is actually a horse at rest

Encourage him, chat him and
he will make you feel so much high.
But kick him, hurt and insult him
he may go for other planet high

Friday, May 13, 2011

Parrot and tree

A beautiful parrot came flying

and sat on branch of a tree green,

On a hot summer day providing

shade and cool in the foliage green

The tree mesmerized by the color

of the beek of the parrot the green

Said you have such a lovely body

moving around with wings green

I have no house of my own here

the bird sadly told the tree green

And you give homes to many birds

and shade in summer by leaves green

But I have only one color and

you have others over the green

I also want to be a colorful as

you with leaves red and green

The parrot went to the God

moved by story of his friend green

Dear God give the tree some more

colors like me over the all green

“So shall it be “said the generous

God of all the colors over green

And lo the tree now was promised

of red ,yellow flowers over green

Soon in spring the tree bloomed

Having more colors with the green

It looked as if many birds of red beak

perched on branches with wings green

The reporter crow went and told

all jungle the miracle of tree green

It has so many parrots chirping on

with red yellow beaks, wings green

The tree was overjoyed at this synergy
with the friend parrot green

It worked hard and produced big

fruits for birds and the parrot green

The synergy of parrot and the tree

produced a canvass of yellow green

With family and friends of parrot singing

“thou have lovely fruits and leaves green”

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Cat and dog

On one side man holds a dog ,

on the other the shrewd cat.

Both scorn enemies from birth

but held apart by man and bat.

Like Uranium sits in a fuel rod, and neutron roams very fast

The two are held by moderator for controlling chain from blast .

The dog is a domestic animal so loyal and of high faith

Much like Uranium atom in rod sitting in from eight to eight

The cat is a shrewd animal on run from one house to that

Like the neutron after birth hitting atom this and that

Hold a neutron from atom and try a matchstick away

From the explosive U235 atom and the dry bundle of hay .

A man as moderator excels in holding dog in one hand .

And the scheming and shrewd cat in just the other hand .

Water as moderator kicks the hot neutrons to cool.

Neutron floats like a fish losing energy like a fool

On its own Uranium will sit but neutron will glide more

And get lost beyond reflector away from the boundry of core

Left to it the dog shall remain faithful ever to his master

While shrewd cat will try option better as a schemester

For master’s love and care the dog calls him a God

While the shrewd cat eats pudding and thinks as a God

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Decay Heat

From shutdown to Criticality, and from there to full power
It is fission and fission all the way and the  neutron shower

In the reactor U-235 fissions to two parts of unequal weight
Releasing 200 MeV energy and two neutrons for chain as a bait

The fission products carry more neutrons than they need
They thus eject them out or an alpha or  beta as per need

They get the energy balance or adjust after another decay
Many times  product that comes is a simple gamma ray
Do not go by cute names of gamma and  baby new-tron
As terrible kids of fission causing heat in cauldron

The gamma, beta, neutron are small yet full of heat
Even when they say hello to atoms on friendly meet

On shutdown the power goes down  by exponential decay
But fission products keep the furnace hot by their own decay

The decay heat is a small fraction of  rated power
It is 7% of total and cooled by SDCP for all 24 hour

The decay heat goes down for months and for long
If not removed will  melt the fuel rod before long

For reactor on power, loss of cooling in cases three
Small, medium, large  loca push coolant in stages three 

SD cooling with a back up pump was never an issue
Till its drowing in tsunami water became a big issue

Now the SD cooling will get respect more than main
And be put on high pedestal with redundacy as item main

India wins World Cup 2011!

Religion may divide us as Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Issai but as cricket lovers we are one
We eat cricket, drink cricket either one or four glasses or sometimes a six or even a ton

Cricket can unite us like no other glue and release energy more than Tsunami of Japan
Whole nation tied to TV screens watching us wash away teams of Lanka and Pakistan

As a rare shot, the film stars at Wankhede danced with  players and their fans alike
And players lifted Sachin- the master blaster on shoulders as if he was light like a bike

The politicians of all hue and shades showered praise, cutting across party line
To Dhoni and all his boys to rise from slump and deliver a play super  fine

It was not only Indians in India alone but across all the seas and all lands
Who watched with bated breath and prayed for our success with folded hands

Although the players remained and the wickets too but the ball count was getting low
With players on the crease and spectators on stands were wishing for victory somehow

Close to the end of game the run rate and balls in hand were just the same
Missing a run would be risky so Dhoni hit a grand six and easily won the game

After winning the Cup the nation became a scene of crackers and wine all night long
Never seen in India even when Rama won Sita back from Ravana after a battle long

Entire country was erupting in happiness from northern hills to the southern seas deep
The players were happy and overjoyed with tears wondering whether to laugh or weep

Dhoni was not even an embryo when India had won the ‘83 World Cup at Lord
With his birth was born the dream to get Cup again, howsoever team had to work hard

Winning the cup has once again proved that the strength lies in union of teams
Self belief and rigorous training add to happiness of a nation bursting at seams