A beautiful parrot came flying
and sat on branch of a tree green,
On a hot summer day providing
shade and cool in the foliage green
The tree mesmerized by the color
of the beek of the parrot the green
Said you have such a lovely body
moving around with wings green
I have no house of my own here
the bird sadly told the tree green
And you give homes to many birds
and shade in summer by leaves green
But I have only one color and
you have others over the green
I also want to be a colorful as
you with leaves red and green
The parrot went to the God
moved by story of his friend green
Dear God give the tree some more
colors like me over the all green
“So shall it be “said the generous
God of all the colors over green
And lo the tree now was promised
of red ,yellow flowers over green
Soon in spring the tree bloomed
Having more colors with the green
It looked as if many birds of red beak
perched on branches with wings green
The reporter crow went and told
all jungle the miracle of tree green
It has so many parrots chirping on
with red yellow beaks, wings green
The tree was overjoyed at this
with the friend parrot green
It worked hard and produced big
fruits for birds and the parrot green
The synergy of parrot and the tree
produced a canvass of yellow green
With family and friends of parrot singing
“thou have lovely fruits and leaves green”
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