Thursday, May 12, 2011

Cat and dog

On one side man holds a dog ,

on the other the shrewd cat.

Both scorn enemies from birth

but held apart by man and bat.

Like Uranium sits in a fuel rod, and neutron roams very fast

The two are held by moderator for controlling chain from blast .

The dog is a domestic animal so loyal and of high faith

Much like Uranium atom in rod sitting in from eight to eight

The cat is a shrewd animal on run from one house to that

Like the neutron after birth hitting atom this and that

Hold a neutron from atom and try a matchstick away

From the explosive U235 atom and the dry bundle of hay .

A man as moderator excels in holding dog in one hand .

And the scheming and shrewd cat in just the other hand .

Water as moderator kicks the hot neutrons to cool.

Neutron floats like a fish losing energy like a fool

On its own Uranium will sit but neutron will glide more

And get lost beyond reflector away from the boundry of core

Left to it the dog shall remain faithful ever to his master

While shrewd cat will try option better as a schemester

For master’s love and care the dog calls him a God

While the shrewd cat eats pudding and thinks as a God

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